Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Army Life

I realize it's been awhile since my last post, but I have said many times that I am not a very good blogger. You have been duly warned!

We made it down to Georgia on October 2 and are now happily situated here in Columbus. This city sits right on the Chattahoochee River and it's where the last land battle of the Civil War was fought. I love being somewhere with so much history. Not only have people been here since the Civil War, people were here during the American Revolution! We went to Savannah, Georgia recently and saw lots of historic monuments, including some cannons that were a gift from Mr. George Washington, the first President himself! I really enjoy it. (Pictures to come soon... hopefully!)

The best part about living here is being so close to Denver. We get to see him every weekend, and he gets to call me every night. I love being so close. Last weekend he got a four day pass for Columbus Day and it was so nice having all that time together. It makes the move and everything else totally worth it just to have those few days. He will have Halloween off and the weekend of Mikaela's first birthday off. Libby's birthday happens to fall on a Saturday so we'll be together for that as well.

Denver graduates from Officer Candidate School on December 10. After that we are going on a three day cruise, and then coming back to Idaho for a few weeks. After that we have no idea! We find out at the end of next week what branch Denver will be in and where we'll be living for his training. We should also find out where our first PCS (Permanent Change of Station) will be. I will blog again after next week to let you know!

All is well here! We miss our family and friends but will hopefully see everyone in December!!

Larissa :)